Substance Use

AccessHealth’s substance use program treats anyone battling a substance use disorder. The substance use team of addiction professionals work closely with primary care providers and behavioral health therapists to educate patients on how to handle triggers, cravings, withdrawals, and medical, emotional and other behavioral disturbances.

Our team's use of an innovative treatment system of care is available at all AccessHealth locations. Services are offered in English and Spanish to individuals 12 years and older.

Quality care provided by AccessHealth's Providers include:

Prevention Education

SBIRT: (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment) – prevention education and harm reduction strategies designed to help patients reduce use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, to improve health outcomes, to reduce accidents/injuries; as well as prevent chronic diseases.

MAT: (Medication Assisted Treatment) is an evidenced-based “whole-patient” approach for treating substance use disorders by combining counseling interventions (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention and the Disease Concept) and FDA-approved medications.

Counseling (Individual, Family, and Group)

Smoking Cessation Curriculum: American Lung Association's Freedom from Smoking. Classes are facilitated by licensed addiction professionals and are available in English and Spanish. Participants can join monthly Zoom sessions (60 minutes for 8 months); or schedule 30 minute individual sessions for 8 consecutive weeks.

Connect Peer-to-Peer Network: A support group comprised of non-clinical peers who are in active recovery that can relate to what you are going through. A major benefit of using Connect Peer-to-Peer network is to gain a sense of community and a safe place to share concerns within an understanding environment. Participants will also learn strategies on how to maintain sobriety, tips to improve everyday life stressors, and problem-solving techniques. A licensed addictions professional is available to provide linkage to community resources and referrals to specialized treatment options. Participants can join in on bi-weekly Zoom meetings.